In September 2021 and with the generous support of The Blagrave Trust, we were able to pilot a new programme called Thriving Forwards: New Directions. This came from discussions with the Thrive cohort expressing their concerns regarding their career options, what they felt was available to them and how many expressed an uncertainty about how they might proceed which was highlighted even more because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Thriving Forwards; New Directions is made of 2 parts and seeked to give young people the opportunity to explore their options, discuss their ambitions and empower their decision-making process through a series of workshops with adults they trust and to explore their goals for the future. As well as a 4-week paid work placement. ​These workshops included Life coaching- Visions, Values and Goals with Danielle Jones. CV and Interview Skills with the Thrive teaching team. A workshop preparing them for their chosen paid placement and a workshop to discuss and debrief on the project.
This programme was designed as the next step for longer-existing members of the Thrive cohort who have grown and developed during their time with us, who felt ready but needed a little more support as they take their next steps. Feedback from partners providing work experience was incredibly positive, with one noting that “this is an excellent opportunity for young people which gives them an experience of working life with as little pressure as possible”. In the young people’s final reflections recorded in their work portfolios, they noted that the aspects of the experience they were most proud of was being able to create meaningful but professional relationships in a short space of time, acquiring new skills, that even though they found aspects difficult they felt they showed resilience by ‘giving everything a go’. The most recurring answer, however, was that they felt more confident in their abilities to create CVs and personal statements, apply for work and to interview for positions.
We hope to run Thriving Forwards: New Directions again when the next cohort of Thrive feel they are ready to progress.